Welcome to our lab’s news and updates section.
Here, you’ll find the latest information on lab facilities, activities, and equipment. Be sure to check back regularly for important announcements and updates.
Bela Platform
Ultra low latency computing platform that harnesses the power of BeagleBone development boards. Audio input and output. The Bela cape comes in two variations, both available from the Equipment Booking System. The standard, original Bela, which is also availaable paired with a wireless BeagleBone Black, and the Bela Mini, which is, erm, smaller. Bela’s YouTube Channel Amongst other…
The Ultimate Audio Multi-Tool
A fantastic success story where two of our students took their studies all the way to a a product, their own company, and a tool for electronic musicians and resaerchers.
Arduino Drivers
Some students have reported problems connecting to Arduino devices, particularly those who are using Arduino for the first time on Windows. If you have your Arduino hooked up via USB, but no new USB ports are showing in your IDE, it may be that your installation of Windows is missing the appropriate drivers. This link…
Pop-Up Lab is no more
THE LAB IS NOW REOPENED The lab is running normally, except for the booking system, which has not run normally in a long time. You can use the lab, and book equipment, but please respect our busy times. You can check the lab timetable here
Box Maker in OpenSCAD
This is an OpenSCAD module for creating boxes to be laser-cut out of flat panels (e.g. plywood or acrylic). The boxes dimensions are customizable, supports opening the top, insetting the bottom, and adding handles.
X-Y Plotter
We have an X-Y plotter.